Adopt a kitten

Adopt a kitten

Do you want to adopt a kitten?

Thank you for your interest in adopting an animal from our shelter.

Requests for the adoption of kittens are numerous and reach us daily.

You should know that their birth periods vary and our capacity to welcome them is limited. Our kittens are therefore placed with their new families as soon as they are adoptable.

You should know that very few births take place during the winter. It is the law of nature. The breeding period begins when the weather gets milder and the sunny days return. Kitten births therefore mainly take place in spring and summer, but they are not immediately adoptable: they must grow up and be at least 2 1/2 to 3 months old before they can be entrusted to their adoptive families. Kittens are therefore mainly available for adoption in summer.

But there are obviously exceptions. In cities, many cats live in apartments and are less affected by the rhythm of the seasons than if they had access to the outdoors. It therefore happens (but it is rare!) that we collect kittens in autumn or winter.

We invite candidates for kitten adoption to complete a form available below and return it to us duly completed at

This procedure allows us to centralize the numerous requests and ensure that prospective adopters have given sufficient thought to what life with a cat entails. Because a kitten will quickly become an adult cat with needs and who will live between 15 and 20 years!

Your application will be examined by our teams who will contact you when we are looking for the best home to accommodate them.

For logistical reasons, all exchanges will be made via email or telephone.

Also note that we do not provide any photos of our available kittens but you will be able to meet them during the adoption process.

The cost of adopting a kitten is 112 euros, with a sterilisation deposit of 100 euros.

Thank you for understanding.

The Veeweyde team