The pet cemetery at Rosières

CAUTION: temporary closure of the cemetery

Danger of falling trees – site being made safe

Our cemetery for small animals at Rosière is a veritable paradise nestling in the heart of nature, which we acquired in 1977. Covering an area of two hectares, it already has more than 2,000 dogs and cats resting in peace. The natural surroundings are authentic, and meticulously tended to provide a true immersion in the countryside, conducive to meditation and contemplation.

Our cemetery offers much more than just a plot of land; it is a place of mourning and remembrance, to honour the lives of the animals who have shared our daily lives and enriched our lives.

For many of us, pets are integral members of the family. When they disappear, their absence leaves a deep void, accompanied by grief that is often difficult to express in a world that does not always appreciate the extent of this attachment. Our pet cemetery offers tangible recognition of this unique relationship and gives their humans a personal and peaceful place of remembrance.

Unfortunately, our pets have a shorter lifespan than we do. While cats can sometimes live up to 20 years, dogs live on average only 15 or 16 years, rarely more.

When that day comes and your little companion leaves you, there are several options open to you:

– You can either leave him with your vet, who will call an organization specializing in the cremation of animal remains.

– If your pet has died at home, you can call your vet or the specialist organization that will collect it.

– You can choose to have your pet cremated.

– You cannot bury your pet in your garden. Belgian law stipulates that it is forbidden to bury the remains of an animal for reasons of public health and soil pollution.

– But if you want your friend to be buried without being cremated, you can bury him or her in our small animal cemetery in Rosières, if you feel like it.


The burial of a pet at Rosières is carried out according to the wishes of its owner.


Here is the list of rates in force since 1 January 2024:

  1. Burial
    180 for cats and small dogs
    220 € for medium and large dogs
  2. Coffin (casket)
    180 € for small dogs and cats
    210 € for medium dogs
    240 € for large dogs
  3. Temporary headstone (compulsory)
    80 € (reimbursed when the final slab is placed by the owner)
  4. Annual subscription: €55
    People with reduced mobility can enter the cemetery by car.


Good to know:

– To preserve the park-like character of the resting place, protect the environment and maintain the natural site, no monuments will be permitted. Only a small planter measuring 40cm x 20cm in front of the slab is permitted.

– Maintenance of the slab, its lettering and/or photo and the planter is the responsibility of the animal’s owner. The lawn is maintained by our gardener.

– The annual subscription must be renewed in January of each year and may be indexed. In the event of non-payment for more than 1 year, the grave site may be reused for another burial.

Burying your companion in a dedicated cemetery is a way of remembering them and showing your gratitude for the times you shared. Epitaphs and commemorative plaques become markers of love and tribute.

For more information, please contact us on 02.527.10.50 or by e-mail at